Provide solar lights, school lunches and library books to 600 students in South Sudan image

Provide solar lights, school lunches and library books to 600 students in South Sudan

Help Edgar Park Elementary students raise funds to support two primary schools serving three villages in Unity State, South Sudan through the Any1Can Walk for Wisdom

$0 raised

$3,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Edgar Park Elementary Students Walk for Wisdom on April 17!

On April 17, 2016 all Edgar Park Elementary families will walk 12 laps around the track at school during the Any1Can Walk for Wisdom. This fun, festival-style walk-a-thon will raise awareness and funds for the Raising South Sudan project of Mothering Across Continents, a 501c3 nonprofit based in Charlotte, NC.

The Any1Can 2016 Walk for Wisdom will support two primary schools serving three villages in Unity State, South Sudan, where as few as 2 percent of boys and 1 percent of girls finish elementary school. South Sudan is the world's newest country as of 2011. Because of a long history of civil war, it remains one of the least developed countries in the world in terms of the economy, infrastructure, health and education.

Funds raised through the Walk for Wisdom are designated for:

  • LIGHTS! Solar lights for the families of children attending these schools
  • LIBRARIES! Books and educational materials for libraries at two primary schools
  • LUNCHES! Nutritious school lunches for 300 students, five days a week

Just a small donation will go a long way in helping us meet our goal.

  • $10 = One book for a school library
  • $30 = Three books for a school library
  • $60 = One solar light for a student and two books for the library
  • $100 = Lunch every day for one child for one year

The Any1Can Walk for Wisdom is a signature education and service learning initiative available to schools and communities in support of the Raising South Sudan project of Charlotte-based 501c3 nonprofit Mothering Across Continents.